Arts Workers Wage Transparency Project by members of Hearth

Founded in 2019 as an artist-run space, Hearth seeks to provide a site to present projects within a context that values collaboration, experimentation, and community.

Hearth invites you to answer this survey regarding wages in the arts.

 *** NO identifying personal details are required to submit! ***

Are you tired of finding out you are being compensated less than others for identical work? Are you entering a new field, unsure how to negotiate wages? 💥📢📢📢

We invite you to submit to a crowd-sourced database project concerning wages in the arts. No identifying or personal details are required to submit! We believe that sharing this information benefits workers by allowing points of reference that we hope will allow you to advocate for higher compensation in future profession endeavors. We also hope to gain insight into patterns of inequality and exploitation, in order for ourselves and others to better advocate for change. 

The database is composed of submissions and publicly posted rates and salaries.

This project believes that collecting this information benefits workers by allowing points of reference that we hope will allow you to advocate for higher compensation in future profession endeavours. The more information is shared, the more information we collectively have to advocate for better working conditions and wages. However, we understand that sharing exact details may pose a risk to workers by endangering secure employment. As a result, we accept submissions with a high degree of anonymity. The first section of the survey regarding wage and job description is mandatory, but the rest of the questions are optional.  

- Hearth Garage

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